Theories of Socialization:
1. “Looking Glass Self” Theory, developed by Charles Horton Cooley
2. The Social Self Theory, developed by George Herbert Mead
3. The Dramaturgical Approach, developed by Erving Goffman
4. The Psychoanalytic Viewpoint, developed by Sigmund Freud
5. Psychosocial Stages of Development, developed by Erik Erickson
6. Stages of Cognitive Development, developed by Jean Piaget
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Agents of Socialization:
1. Family; 2) School; 3) Peers; 4) Mass media; 5) Religion; 6) Workplace; and 7) State
b. Social stratification refers to human differences existing among members of the society on the basis of age, sex or gender, intelligence and physical characteristics, such as body-build and appearance, race or ethnic group, birth or family name, education and power and prestige (San Juan & Centeno, 2011).
Components of Social Stratification:
1. Social class refers to the stratum or category of persons who have similar socio-economic privileges in the society (i.e. upper, middle, and lower classes)
2. Social status refers to the social standing of a person or group within a social class, or in the entire social stratification system. Certain rights, social expectations, duties and privileges are attached to the social position. Social status can either be: (1) ascribed status – that which is assigned to the individual from birth and involves little personal choice like age and sex; and (2) achieved status – acquired by choice or through merit and individual effort and is made possible through special abilities or talents, performance or opportunity (San Juan & Centeno, 2011).
3. Role refers to the expected or actual behaviour patterns that correspond with status. Rights, privileges, obligations, responsibilities are attached to the social role
4. Gender refers to the differentiation that sex makes in a culture and to the traits that are linked by culture to each sex, whereas sex refers to the biological make-up of an individual (Saquilayan, et al, 2009).
NOTE: Social stratification results in social inequalities and opportunities in the acquisition and allocation of material and abstract rewards in the society. The gap between the rich and the poor is a good example of social inequality in terms of wealth and income. The rich have better opportunity to secure high-paying jobs or opportunity for new business ventures.
c. The Basic Institutions: In every society, the five basic institutions co-exist, namely: family, government, economy, church and school. The term, institution, is defined by social scientists as “a pattern of norms centered on a major social goal, value, or need.”
1. Family – the basic unit of every society. It is the basic social group united by blood (consanguinity) or marriage (affinity), generally live together and participate in economic cooperation, and provides security, socialization, companionship and in the reproduction and preservation of the human race. Marriage is an important element of the family. Marriage (Howard & Hattis, 1992) is a “socially sanctioned sexual and economic union between men and women.”
Filipinos are known to be family-oriented. A Filipino family consists of the grandparents, parents, and children. This familial structure is also considered extended. "Collective responsibility" is a value associated with family-orientedness. It is described "as a responsibility of each member in the family to take responsibility to other members of the family. For example, if the elder brother finished college and landed a good job, he would, then, took responsibility to send his younger siblings to school. In the family, support system (like financial, emotional, political support) is strong.
In contrast, Western family is known for giving more space on the right to privacy, self-determination, and giving more rights and privileges to each member of the family. This structure of the family is considered as PERSONALISTIC, which gives more value on the individual person in the family.
Forms of Marriage:
- Monogamy – the marriage of one male and one female
- Polygamy – the marriage between one person of one sex and a minimum of two persons of the other sex. There are two forms of polygamy: (1) polyandry – marriage of one woman to two or more men, and (2) polygyny – marriage of one man to two or more women
2. Political institution – a basic social institution that determines when, how and who should gain power
Types of Government:
· Monarchy – governed by one person like the Monarch or King
· Aristocracy – governed by two or more persons like the members of the Aristocrat families or the bourgeoisie
· Democracy – governed by all citizens in the society; leaders are elected
There are two major types of government prevalent in 19th to 21st century, as follows: Dictatorial/ Totalitarian and Democratic. Dictatorial/ Totalitarian government is closely identified with communism. Dictatorial government is usually governed by ambitious military leaders. Totalitarian -a government which usurps all powers, roles, and functions of other institutions. Some negative effects of totalitarian government: suppression and abuses of human rights. Democratic government, on the other hand, is closely associated with capitalism. A leader in a democratic government is elected by the people. Some positive effects of democracy: self-determination and respect for human rights.
3. Economic institution – social structure that is related to production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Systems of Economy:
· Capitalism – a system based on private ownership of the means of production and on competition for more profits; whereas, communism is a system where there are rich, no poor in the society. This is also known as a "propertyless society." No private individuals should own property. It is only the state, which shall manage the property of the state.
· Socialism – a system in which productive forces like labor, capital and land are owned and managed by the state.
4. Religion – a sacred engagement or relationship with what is believed to be a spiritual reality. According to Charles Taliaferro, there are five major religions in the world: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The first two, Hinduism and Buddhism, originated in India. Siddhartha Gautama is known as the founder of Buddhism. The last three are known as Abrahamic religions because Abraham is considered as the Father of Faith of each religion.
5. Education – a carefully designed and controlled process of learning in order for members of society to accumulate knowledge and information that may ensure the transformation or change in behaviour, making people more productive and efficient member of society.
There are significant changes in Philippine education: (1) professionalization of teachers in 1994; (2) creation of Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and Technical Educational and Skills Development Authority, and (3) Senior High School Program
Anthropology, in its literal sense (from two Greek words, anthropos + logos) is defined as the study of human beings. In technical sense, it is the science of Man and his works, which covers man’s physical, social, economic, cultural background and behaviour of human beings in a particular society.
Branches of anthropology:
1. Physical anthropology deals with the origin and evolutionary process of man, i.e. genetic make-up and changes of the human aspects of life
2. Cultural anthropology deals with the study of man’s behaviour and how he carries out and adapts to the various activities of everyday life.
One important element of human society is culture. Culture is part and parcel of human life. In fact, the SELF is embedded in one’s culture. Edward Taylor, an English anthropologist, defined culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Culture is both material and immaterial. Material culture refers to objects, tools, things, artifacts, economic goods, property which have become part or product of any behaviour system of man’s past, present, or future. Immaterial culture, on the other hand, is composed of the behaviour, thoughts, beliefs, feelings as well as the intellectual, artistic, and social ideals and values that members of the society profess (Zulueta, 2006).